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A Quick Guide to Backup Generators

Severe weather like storms, tornadoes, and hurricanes often makes homeowners nervous because there is the potential of losing electricity. With that comes the hassle of needing to light candles and use flashlights, throwing out spoiled food from the refrigerator, and going without internet. One simple way to add reassurance and prevent health issues and property damage in the event of a storm is by purchasing a backup generator for your home. 

Here at BOSS Services, our team of professional electricians and HVAC technicians is ready to install a backup generator in your home. Here are a few things you should know about backup generators. 

  1. Why You Need a Backup Generators

When a storm occurs here in the Southwest Michigan region, it is impossible to predict the type of effect that it will have on your home. Even a mild storm can cause a power outage, and especially if you’re living in a rural area, it can take days for the electricity to get turned back on. It’s not only storms that can cause a power outage; other reasons for the power to go out are equipment failure and equipment damage due to wildlife and trees. 

A backup home generator is the best reassurance that your property will not be damaged from the effects of a power outage. They keep important systems and appliances running, such as your sump pump, your internet router, and your refrigerator. 

  1. How to Pick the Best Generator

When shopping for backup home generators, you’ll find that there are two types: portable and fixed generators. Portable generators are more affordable than fixed generators, and they are a better option if power outages rarely occur in your area. On the other hand, fixed generators are permanently installed in your home and are connected to utility lines that provide them with fuel. 

Outside of the two different generator types, you’ll also find that generators use a few different types of fuel. Fixed generators up to 22 kilowatts will either use natural gas or liquid propane. If you need a generator that runs on diesel fuel, you’ll need to install a liquid-cooled whole-home generator that is likely more expensive. 

Finally, you’ll want to look at the power ratings and size of the generator. Consider the size of your home and what you will need to power in the event of an outage. If you want to power your central air conditioner or heating equipment in the event of a blackout, you’re going to need a more powerful generator. 

  1. How to Ensure Your Generator is Working Properly

Generators are important pieces of equipment that you do not want to fail. In order to ensure that yours is working properly, you should schedule an appointment with a trusted electrical repair company. This should be done at least once per year. 

  1. Southwest Michigan Generator Installation and Repair

The team of electricians at BOSS Services is highly trained and experienced in the area of generators. If you need help choosing the right backup generator for your home, we are happy to advise you and help with the installation. 

If you have any questions about our backup generator services, contact us at (269) 468-6682.

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