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Worry-Free, No Breakdowns Guaranteed Spring AC Check-Up

We know you have enough to worry about.  We also know that air conditioning season in Southwest Michigan is a couple months away, and an air conditioning check-up may be the last thing on your mind. But BOSS Services wants to reward you for being responsible and on top of your air conditioning maintenance BEFORE you need it with this special offer: 

April Worry-Free AC Check-Up Special

  • Book your AC Check-Up by the end of April for only $89, and BOSS Services guarantees your AC won’t break down all summer, or we’ll fix it ASAP and refund your $89!

Fill out the form below to claim your Worry-Free, No Breakdowns Guaranteed Spring AC Check-Up!

With BOSS’s Worry-FREE Guarantee AC Check-Up this spring, you can breeze into summer with confidence knowing your AC can handle the heat, and if something should happen that it breaks down this summer, we have your back and will fix it lickity split and refund you the cost of your check-up 100%!  That’s how confident we are in our team and our ability to raise the standard of service for our customers!

Spring Worry Free
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